
I Made a Bandcamp

April 10th, 2024
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I have a Bandcamp now. I will be using this to publish all my music on. Of all sites and places I could publish my music, I like Bandcamp the most. The customization options and how versatile it is for what I want to do is something I have always liked, and I have used it before for other projects I have worked on and have been part of in the past. Visually it gives off vibes of how the internet was before it became overly corporate and commercialized, and I find that very cozy. It's built in download option is something I also greatly like as someone who loves digitally collecting music.

Below is a screenshot of my Bandcamp page. The background is of this huge art project I made in Gimp on my 18th birthday. I feel like it fit the vibe of the website and music I make.


I also uploaded a song so there would be something to listen to on there. It's called "kill yo self" and I recorded it in the summer of 2022 for some other project I was working on at the time. It's a goofy upbeat song with lyrics about my suicidal thoughts over the years. The call and response chorus is very catchy and fun. It's one of my best songs in my opinion, so it will be the first thing I release under that account. You can visit the Bandcamp page here, and listen to and download the song here.

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thanks for reading, i love you :3 💕