
Mario Bros. Cigarettes

September 21st, 2024
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Before I go into what I wanna talk about in this post, I want to acknowledge it has been months since I posted. I am gonna try to be more casual and laid back on here now. When making my previous posts I would get overly critical of myself and second guess everything trying to make them perfect, which made this kind of a chore and not very fun. So I'm gonna try to just keep a laid back more conversational tone on these posts from here on. Hopefully with this change in my mindset I will enjoy making blog posts more and also be able to make more of them. :3

So yesterday I went hiking with a co-worker out in Idaho. We got to walk through the Washington-Idaho border, which was pretty neat. I really like this picture I snapped during it. It was a little bit cold but it generally was a pretty nice day.


My co-worker and I were joking about cigarettes the whole time, and I was able to convince her to buy me some Marlboro cigarettes when we got out to Idaho. I do not condone smoking and also don't plan on smoking these, I just thought it would be funny to have them. I kept jokingly calling them "Mario Bros. Cigarettes" so I took a picture of my Mario Plush holding one. This is really all the purpose of this post is, I just wanted to share this image.

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While I'm here I guess I will also mention today marks 7 years since I got my cat Carrie. Here is a funny recent picture of her. She looked really annoyed in it.


That is all for this post. I will try to update this blog more frequently going forward. Bye bye.

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thanks for reading, i love you :3 💕