
Ray's New Napping Spot

June 23rd, 2024
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Ray loves to nap on top of my laptop, especially when it's in sleep mode because of the warmth it gives off.


But whenever I need to use it, I have to remove him from it, which gets annoying. The other day I decided screw it and just opened it with him still on it. He ended up rolling into this position.


His initial reaction was to shoot me a very disapproving look. He was not very happy with what I just did.


But he ended up liking being between the laptop and the wall. He got very comfy.


Eventually his tail was wrapped around the screen. He just laid like this while I did work on my computer.


I ended up reaching over to pet him and he started sucking on my finger.


And before he knew it, he was dead asleep.

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thanks for reading, i love you :3 💕